
Showing posts from April, 2012

Oh, That I Were An Angel...

If I were an angel I would: Visit every member of my family daily and help them do whatever they needed help with. Remind each member of my family how great I think they are. Remind each member of my family of how much they are loved. Show each member of my family how to get through their most difficult trials. Participate in what ever missionary effort they've got going on; Maybe I could be a temple angel. Help at least one stranger per day, like the "Touched by an Angel" TV show. but alas, I'm not an angel either. So I can: Let every member of my family know that I think you are wonderful! Let you know that I pray for each of you by name every day. Listen to you if you ever want to talk about ANYTHING. Stay in touch with you through Facebook, Skype, telephone & email. Let you know that I long to hug you & pat you on the head! Let you know that you are loved by God. Be kind, loving and patient to my teenage students & perhaps let them kn...