Ann and David's Visit

Lauren Ann and David were here for a week. Ann and I spent last Saturday together shopping for baby things...sheets, clothes, bathtubs, blankets and all things BABY.

They went to Athens on Tuesday for pizza with her brothers.

Bradie, Jimmy, Ellie, John, adopted son Dan, Ann and David met us at Granddaddy's & Granny Cris house for some of his marvelous hamburgers. Ann had a chocat (chocolate) pie waiting for her. Granny Cris snatched Ellie right out from under me!!!! Grammy vs. Great Grammy - I let her win!

Ann & David left to go back to Virginia Saturday morning.

How can my heart stand it???? I don't know how Kathy & Brad let Bradie and Ellie come back to Georgia. I heard a piece of Kathy's wisdom: She just thought of how happy Jimmy would be to see Bradie and Ellie again.

OK, so I'm just thinking of how David's parents are joyful over the return of their good son, and beautiful wife, who is great with child.

Such is the station of a grandparent. To be grand-hearted, and let the children fly out of the nest, to build nests of their own...

as long as they migrate home at least once a year.


  1. just keep hoping they perfect teleportation. that's what i do.

  2. WE MISS YOU!! I've already started getting the apartment ready for you to come and stay in june-there is a lot to do- david tells me "one day at a time" and hopefully I'll survive it!


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